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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What Should American Jews Make of Ivanka Trump?

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Donald Trump, king of metaphors, has a brainteaser for the Jewish people.
“Let me tell you,” he declared during a speech in Milwaukee last March, “Ivanka Trump is the new Esther.” The campaign stop coincided with the holiday of Purim, which his daughter, a Jewish convert, was apparently celebrating with her husband, Jared Kushner.
The biblical story of Esther is an imperfect allegory for the Trump family, but as for Ivanka, the comparison isn’t half bad. Esther is a Jewish woman who conceals her identity when she becomes the bride of a powerful king. It is only when she reveals who she is that she can save the Jewish people from an evil adviser plotting their destruction.

What Should American Jews Make of Ivanka Trump?

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