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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

7 Steps to a Sales Prospect Selling Themselves

No matter how many hats you may wear in your company (and sometimes, it’s a lot!) one role you’ll always come back to is sales person.  We sell ourselves, our vision, our culture, our values, and we sell our products.  But it isn’t always easy.  Consumers are busy, perplexed by a multitude of options, and they’re reluctant to part with their hard-earned money.
There are times when it’s not enough just to know your stuff.
You need a little sales magic — a technique that you know will serve you well and help you close the deal.  Since I’ve always been fascinated by the psychology of sales, I’ve played with a number of strategies, and here is one of my favorites.

7 Steps to a Sales Prospect Selling Themselves

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